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Are you really know the Optic Cable? | HONGKAI

Picture of Peter He
Peter He
Fiber optic cable, other it is already a 44-year-old middle-aged man. But its life is full of rich experience and innovation, let's talk about it!
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what’s the fiber optic cable?

A fiber optic cable is a very thin glass bundle through which light pulses are transmitted. Fiber optic cables are today the ideal cable medium due to their immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI). Whether in the local area, wide area or metropolitan area, it can transmit relatively long-distance optical signals. This article will provide some information about fiber optic cables and is intended to provide guidance for selecting the right cable.

what’s the Single-mode or Multi-mode Optic cable?

Fiber optic cables can be divided into single-mode fiber optic cables and multimode fiber optic cables. Single-mode fibers typically have a core diameter of 9 [mu]m and require laser technology to transmit and receive data. It can transmit miles of signals, making it ideal for telephony and cable providers.

As the name suggests, multimode fiber allows signals to propagate along with multiple directions or paths along with the interior of the glass or core. Its core diameter is 62.5 μm or 50 μm. Although the core sizes of single-mode fiber and multimode fiber are different, both fiber types eventually have an outer diameter of about 250 μm.

what’s the Indoor Optic Cable or Outdoor Optic Cable?

The main difference between indoor and outdoor fiber optic cables is water blocking. One day, any catheter may absorb moisture. Outdoor cables are designed to protect the fiber from exposure to moisture for many years. The indoor cable is what we call a “tight buffer” cable, in which the glass fiber has a primary coating and a secondary buffer coating that expands each fiber to 900 microns – about 1 mm or 1/25 inch, making the fiber easier. use.

Indoor Optic Cable

FTTH(Fiber To The Home), As previously mentioned, the FTTH drop cable is located at the customer end to connect the terminal that distributes the cable to the user’s premises. They are usually small diameter, low fiber count cables with limited unsupported span lengths that can be installed in the air, underground or buried. Due to its outdoor use, the minimum pull force for incoming cables should be 1335 Newtons according to industry standards. There are many different types of fiber drop cables. The three most common fiber branch cables include flat drop cables, figure-eight air lead cables, and round drop cables.

FTTH cable

Typically, indoor cables include single and duplex soft cables, distribution cables, and drop cables. The single soft cable is an optical fiber that is tight-buffered (coated with a 900-micron buffer layer on the primary buffer coating) with Kevlar (aramid fiber) strength members and a jacket for indoor use. The jacket is typically 3 mm (1/8 inch) in diameter. The duplex soft cable is just two of them connected to the thin web. It is primarily used for jumper and backplane applications, but duplex can also be used for desktop connections.

The distribution fiber optic cable contains several tightly cushioned fibers that are bundled under the same jacket, with Kevlar strength members and sometimes fiberglass reinforcement to reinforce the cable and prevent kinking. These cables are small in size for short, dry conduit, riser and plenum applications. Fibers are double-buffered and can be terminated directly, but because their fibers are not individually reinforced, these cables need to be separated or terminated in a patch panel or junction box with a “strip box.” Distribution cables are the most popular indoor cables.

Outdoor Optic Cable

Fiber optic cables in outdoor applications require more protection against water ingress, pests and other conditions encountered in the ground. Outdoor cables require increased strength for greater pull distances Typically, fiber optic cables installed in outdoor applications include loose tube fiber optic cables, armored fiber optic cables, and overhead fiber optic cables.

The loose tube fiber optic cable consists of several fibers in small plastic tubes that are wrapped around the central strength member and jacketed to provide a small, high fiber count cable. They are suitable for outdoor plant trough applications because they can be made from loose tubes filled with gel or absorbent powder to prevent water damage to the fibers. Since the fibers have only a thin buffer coating, they must be handled with care and protected from damage. They can be used in pipes, stringed overhead or buried directly underground.

Armored cables are installed by directly burying them in problem areas of rodents. Usually, they have metal armor between the two jackets to prevent rodents from penetrating. This means that the cable is electrically conductive and must be properly grounded. It is best to choose an armored cable when using a direct buried outdoor cable. Aerial cables can be bundled into messengers or other cables (common in CATV) or have metal or aramid strength members to make them self-supporting. Overhead cables are used for external mounting on the pole.

Overhead cables are cables used to hang on poles and are often used with suspension wires. We know that the transmission properties of cables are very susceptible to stretching, bending radius and side pressure, so extra care should be taken when laying overhead cables.

How to make the Optic Cable

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